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Well-Health-Safety-Seal WOKEness in the WOKELAG.

April 9, 2021:

Lady Gaga, Michael B. Jordan, Robert DeNiro and Jennifer Lopez explain how healthy, safe and content you'll feel whenever you're in a building designed and/or maintained by the proprietors in a manner that is sufficiently WOKE to have earned the right to display the "Well-Health-Safety Seal."  Indeed, any building satisfying the strict social-justice, environmental-justice, and every-other-kind-of-justice justice has not only earned the right to display the "Well-Health-Safety Seal" but surely also qualifies for special commendation identified here.



By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com 



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The special commendation is "Gulag 2.0."  (Back to the top)











