Trump Mug-Shot Sings Confession -- Yes, No, Maybe.
By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliSat.Com
Update-- January 16, 2024: In the wake of the 1-15-2024 Iowa Caucus, Trump's victorious magnanimity towards his competitors for the 2024 nomination shows he must have learned the lesson taught by PoliticalXray.Com's Rumble video titled "Trump Mug-Shot Sings Confession -- Yes, No, Maybe," for which the lesson and conclusion reward the patience needed for watching the too-long introductory song.
At Rumble:
At PoliticalXray.Com:
Scroll down for a variety of size/connection-speed versions:
Mugshot Sings Confession
Yes, No, Maybe. |
Mugshot Sings Confession
Yes, No, Maybe. |
Mugshot Sings Confession
Yes, No, Maybe. |
Mugshot Sings Confession
Yes, No, Maybe |