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Editor's Note:  Due to Twitter's & Facebook's practices having 
become waaay too relentlessly Orwellian, I deleted those accounts 
for PoliSat.Com/PoliticalXray.Com on 20210108.  Now, we're in the 
process of replacing YouTube with Rumble and eliminating vestiges 
of Google links, but it's a tedious process that will require more time.
Until then, some links may not work.

Editor's Note:  We're also transitioning from using http://PoliSat.Com 
to https://PoliticalXray.Com, but it takes time.  So, when you're here 
at http://PoliSat.Com  or https://PoliticalXray.Com, don't panic if an 
internal link takes you to a page that is still only in http://PoliSat.Com

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In using "search,' don't panic when search-
result links are to http://PoliSat.Com instead  of https://PoliticalXray.Com.  It takes lots of 
time to complete the conversion, so for the
 time-being, this function only searches 
http://PoliSat.Com rather than searching
https://PoliticalXray.Com so that you can easily access material posted before we began the transition.  --Editor

Celebrating Socialism's Historic Destiny.

April 1, 2019:

By Jim Wrenn, Editor, PoliticalXray.Com a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com 


Celebrating Socialism's Historic Destiny from PoliticalXray a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com on Vimeo.

Celebrating Socialism's Historic Destiny


Celebrating Socialism's Historic Destiny from PoliticalXray a.k.a. PoliticalXray.Com on Vimeo.

Celebrating Socialism's Historic Destiny








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