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On D-Day our thoughts are on Normandy's shores where thousands gave all bringing freedom ashore.·

By Jim Wrenn, June 6, 2020 Reprise
Editor and Washington Bureau Drawer Chief at PoliSat.Com.
June 6, 2020 (Reprise of D-Day installment for June, 2009)

            Remembering D-Day, the Sixth of June, 1944:  On D-Day our thoughts are on Normandy's shores where thousands gave all bringing freedom ashore.  To those who in peace rest on Normandy's banks and also to those who survived, we owe thanks.  So little they ask for  so much that they give so we may in freedom  continue to live, that more than a "thank you"  to them we must give.  The "more" they would want is not "something" to give:  It's what's given best by our lives when we live in ways to be worthy  of all they did give.  The "everyman" Private named "Ryan" perceived this insight returning  to Normandy's beach. by posing a question  whose asking does teach the answer to what  do we owe the deceased?   Asked Ryan "Please tell me  the life I did weave has honored the gift  that from them I received."

                To read these words in stanzas and lines, cursor down.

On D-Day our thoughts are on Normandy's shores
where thousands gave all bringing freedom ashore.  

To those who in peace rest on Normandy's banks
and also to those who survived, we owe thanks.

So little they ask for so much that they give
so we may in freedom continue to live,

that more than a "thank you" to them we must give.
The "more" they would want is not "something" to give:

It's what's given best by our lives when we live
in ways to be worthy of all they did give.

The "everyman" Private  named "Ryan" perceived 
this insight returning to Normandy's beach.

by posing a question whose asking does teach 
the answer to what do we owe the deceased?

Asked Ryan "Please tell me the life I did weave
has honored the gift that from them I received."

D-Day, 6th of June, 1944



--Jim Wrenn, Editor at PoliSat.Com.

Permanent links to this installment: 






President Reagan's Address at the Ceremony Commemorating the 40th Anniversary of the Normandy Invasion, D-day at Point-du-Hoc - 6/6/84.

If the above video is not displaying in embedded fashion, click this link to view it directly:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eEIqdcHbc8I .


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